Hematoma Brain Injury

A hematoma described a collection of blood the tissue of the body. A bruise or contusion is also a hematoma.

In a traumatic brain injury, internal bleeding is described based on relation to three layers of meninges. A meninges is simply the membrane on the outside layer of the brain, which from inside out contains the pia mater, arachnoid mater, and dura mater.

A subarachnoid hematomas is often related to an aneurysm or stoke. In an extreme skull fracture a subarachnoid hematoma could also result. Over 50% of victims suffering from this type of hematoma will suffer from some sort of life-long symptom.

A subdural hematoma results from violent movement of the skull or brain. Veins connecting layers of the brain are torn and begin to bleed. Since veins bleed slower than arteries, symptoms from this type of hematoma are delayed. It might take a day or more than a week for the injured to appreciated any symptoms.

Epidural hematoma’s are normally consistent with a skull fracture. Arteries are torn which leads to an active bleeding environment. Because of the amount of blood carried by arteries symptoms and complications are felt almost immediately. Generally because of the rapid onset of symptoms medical professionals are able to intervene and the probability for a stable recovery are increased.